Corinth Learning Journeys: Mariel Wiegers, Netherlands
Looking for some teaching inspiration? Get it from our today’s post! We’re introducing Mariel, an enthusiastic Biology teacher from the Netherlands.
Mariel Wiegers teaches at Regional School Wolfsbos in a small town in the northeastern Netherlands called Hoogeveen. Few months ago she had an idea that we appreciate a lot: she decided to become one of Corinth’s pilot teachers. Thanks to her, Corinth Classroom made it to the first Dutch educational institution.

As said, Mariel is a Biology teacher so there's no surprise she works mostly with the models related to human body and animal biology. During her classes, she showed her students Corinth Classroom 3D models but they also tried the augmented reality.
What is Mariel's impression?
“It is great to use the animated 3D models. The diaphragm (breathing) is something I was looking for,” she wrote us.

Real heart vs. Corinth heart
For one of her classes, Mariel prepared a lesson about heart and she shared her lesson plan with us. Are you curious how it went? The lesson consisted of two parts. In the first one, students dissected a real, pig heart. This allowed the kids to get an experience with a real organ and see how it looks like.
After the dissection, the students draw the heart and compared all the findings with the Corinth Classroom model of the human heart.
“The Corinth animated heart helps to understand the heart anatomy. Comparing the real heart with the animated one works better than with only the pictures on paper,” Mariel explains.
Would you like to know more? Get inspired by Mariel’s lesson plan and check out the pictures she sent us. And if you have an idea how to use Corinth models in class, let us know. We'll be happy to share it with other teachers.