Corinth reviewed by one of the most visited websites for teachers in Hungary
During last few years, Corinth 3D has been positively received in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. Recently, it was successfully introduced in another Central European country – Hungary. Modern Iskola (Modern School), presumably the most visited website for Hungarian educators, recently published a review of the app. It is short and sweet, presenting the basic characteristics, features and benefits of Corinth 3D. You can find the review on the official Modern Iskola webpage.
Corinth was officially demoed in Hungary at Magyarból Jeles 2.0 workshop, which took place at the beginning of November in Budapest. The event was planned as an encounter of teachers from the Carpathian basin, to share their knowledge, motivation and tips for innovation in the classes. A presentation of Corinth 3D took place during the workshop’s afternoon program, see its resume here. It aroused such a strong interest, so that educators from Modern Iskola decided to publish a short informative article about the app.
Finally, we would like to give thanks to Éva Tóth from Modern Iskola for helping us to introduce Corinth to Hungarian teachers. We hope that they will like Corinth 3D as much as their colleagues from other countries do!