Journey with us straight inside coronavirus - a new model in our app is here
For the past few weeks, the new coronavirus pandemic has been shaking the world. In response to this situation, we decided to give you the opportunity to journey straight inside the virus and explore it the way you haven’t done before. But don’t worry, a facemask or a respirator won’t be needed. The detailed three-dimensional model of the new coronavirus we created in cooperation with leading scientists from Charles University can be examined from the safety of your home through our online platform – Lifeliqe.

The model was created on the basis of virus visualizations provided by Associate Professor Jan Konvalinka, the Vice-Rector for Research at Charles University and Associate Professor Ivan Hirsch from the Department of Genetics and Microbiology of the Faculty of Science of the same university.

The result of this cooperation attracted the attention of the portal, which published an article about the coronavirus model available here. Furthermore, the model also caught the eye of the czech version of Forbes magazine. You can read what they wrote about our model here. Both articles available only in Czech.
The 3D coronavirus model is now freely available for schools, as well as for the general public, for whom we currently offer the Lifeliqe platform for home education free of charge. A page dedicated to distant learning you can find on the Corinth web.
Should you wish to explore the model yourself, simply click this link or scan the next QR code below.