Corinth Online User Guide

Here you can find everything you need to know to start using Corinth Online for teaching.

Registration Guide for Teachers

The Corinth Online runs on Lifeliqe - the platform for online use of educational 3D content. Find the registration guide below. The guide for students can be found in the relevant section.


Make sure you are connected to the Internet

and using the recommended Chrome browser. There’s no need to download or install any software.


Open the signup page


Create your account by clicking on


Fill in your e-mail and password. Don’t forget to confirm that you accept the terms of use.


Now, enter the license key we provided you with.

Click on

and choose


Enter the license key we’ve sent you via e-mail.

Don’t have a license key yet? Maybe you haven’t contacted us via our contact form.

In addition to school computers, Lifeliqe allows you to use Corinth's 3D content on most mobile devices like smartphones or tablets. All you need is a standard Internet browser (Chrome is recommended) and a quality online connection. The advantage is that your account is not device-specific – you can use it from anywhere.

Registration Guide for Students

How can my students use Corinth Online?

Students can create their accounts the same way you did. Simply share with them the

Be sure to include the license key you’ve received from us. You can use it for up to 300 students.

If students don't want to create their own accounts, you can share the Corinth content with them without registering by creating student access. Check how you can do it in this user guide.

Contact us in case of any trouble.

User guide

In the meantime, you can take a look at our webinar, which summarizes everything essential for using Corinth in distance learning.