Installation for one user account of a single device

The easiest way to download and install the application. If there are multiple accounts on your device, you need to repeat the installation on each one of them or follow the installation for multiple accounts instructions.

  1. Open the application site on Microsoft Store.
  2. Click the Get the app button in the top left of the Windows Store listing to download Corinth to your device.
  3. Start the application by clicking on the Corinth icon on the windows starting screen or in the Start menu.
  4. The newly downloaded app now works, but its content is limited. To access the full content of the Corinth educational app, click the Get the full version button in the top right corner of the screen and enter your license key, which will unlock the full content of the application. If you do not have one, contact us
  5. Upon entering, an activation process will begin. It should only take a few moments to verify your code. After finishing the activation, the app will begin to download all of its content which can take up to a few minutes. You don’t have to wait until the download is complete, 3D models can be downloaded and opened in any order based on your requests. Congratulations! You have now unlocked the full version of the Corinth app! To make the downloading faster click the Download Content button in the user menu. 

You can expand the possibilities of the app in your lesson preparation with the use of MS Office Add-ins that connects the Corinth app with MS Word and PowerPoint.

Installation for multiple accounts of a single device

This is the fastest way to perform installation on a single device for all current and future device users. Application data (content and features) is shared among users and downloaded only once. User data is not shared across accounts, so each user can customize the app (favorite models, etc.). The license key is activated once for all users of the device. The process must be repeated on each device. If you have multiple devices connected through a network, our advanced mass deployment guide will help you.

1. Download the application installation package and each of the following dependencies:

2. Run Windows PowerShell as administrator
(Right click the Start menu - Windows PowerShell (Admin).

3. Type these commands in Windows PowerShell:

  • To enable sideloading:

REG ADD 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModelUnlock' /t REG_DWORD /f /v 'AllowAllTrustedApps' /d '1'

  • To enable data sharing:

REG ADD 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\StateManager' /t REG_DWORD /f /v 'AllowSharedLocalAppData' /d '1'

  • To enable provisioning of the application:

Add-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online -PackagePath ".\Corinth3D_Sideload_7.186.278.0_x64_Master.msixbundle" -DependencyPackagePath ".\Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.1.3.appx",".\Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.1.4.appx",".\Microsoft.VCLibs.x64.14.00.appx" -SkipLicense

4. Open the Corinth app and check your internet connection, the app needs to communicate with the server.

5. From the app’s home screen, click or tap the Get the full version button in the top right corner.

6. Type your license key into the pop-up window and then hit the Submit button.

7. Upon entering, an activation process will begin. It should only take a few moments to verify your code. After finishing the activation, the app will begin to download all of its content and will be activated for all users.

8. You can expand the possibilities of the app in your lesson preparation with the use of MS Office Add-ins that connects the Corinth app with MS Word and PowerPoint.

Advanced mass deployment

If you want to install the app on a large number of devices and user accounts connected through a network, you can use the installation script, which we have prepared directly for this purpose.

The script can perform all necessary installation outside Microsoft Store steps and other optional, ie:

  • Enable the sideload installation.
  • Enable application data sharing between user accounts.
  • Download the installation and dependency packages from the Internet [optional].
  • Adding the application for all users (including those created in the future) on a given computer (provisioning) [optional].
  • Automatic activation of the application (ie it is not necessary to enter the license key manually) [optional].
  • Set application behavior when an available update is detected [optional].
  • Can be used for automated installation (including mass deployment for multiple devices) [optional].

If you are interested in getting the installation script, contact our tech support.
Continue in the advanced installation manual.

Are you having any trouble? We're always happy to help.